Forschungsinstitut für
Nachhaltigkeit | am GFZ

Indonesia: A Long Way to Low-Carbon Development

Indonesia is the biggest energy consumer in Southeast Asia and the world’s leadingcoal exporter. Its primary energy mix is dominated by oil and traditional biomass.Almost a third of its population lacks access to modern energy services. In recentyears, Indonesia has made promising steps towards a more sustainable energy supply.It has almost completely abolished fossil fuel subsidies and has announced ambitiousenergy efficiency and renewable energy targets, particularly for geothermal energy. Italso aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and engages in related internationalinitiatives. However, policy implementation remains a challenge.




Marquardt, J. (2016). Indonesia: A Long Way to Low-Carbon Development. In Sustainable Energy in the G20: Prospects for a Global Energy Transition (pp. 64-69). Potsdam: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS).

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